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GMX's Financial Reports provide information about the agency's financial position, activities and performance. The financial informaiton is presented in an easy to understand format.

GMX reports are on a fiscal year which begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th.

Five-Year Work Program

The GMX Five-Year Work Program is a series of ongoing projects that expand the current expressway network and introduce state-of-the-art technology to improve the efficiency of the existing GMX system.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

An ACFR is a set of financial statements which goes beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles and promotes financial transparency. The ACFR is prepared by GMX’s staff and the financial statements are audited by an external independent auditor.

The ACFR is presented in three main sections:

Introductory - includes a transmittal letter, list of Board of Directors and organization chart.

Financial - includes the independent auditor's report , management's discussion and analysis, financial statements, notes to the financial statements, required supplementary information, , and other information.

Statistical - includes summary of financial statements, capital assets, toll rates, Debt Covenants and other economic information.

Annual Florida Department of Financial Service Filing

Annual filing submission summarizes revenue, expenditures and debt information. As set forth in State Statute 218.32, link provided

Annual Inspection Report

In accordance with the requirements of GMX's Amended and Restated Trust Indenture, the consulting engineers for GMX are required to perform an annual inspection of the GMX system and submit a report of the inspection and condition of the system. The report provides an assessment of the overall condition of the GMX system and identifies any specific work needs, as well as, deficiencies, if any.

Annual Budget

The Annual Budget is a financial projection of the operations and revenues for the upcoming fiscal year. It reflects management's best judgment of the anticipated expenditures to be incurred and income to be earned.

Public Accountability 348.0315 (2)

Beginning October 1, 2024, and annually thereafter, the agency shall submit to the metropolitan planning organization for each county servedby the agency a report providing information. Regarding the amount of tolls collected and how those tolls were used in the agency's previous fiscal year. The report shall be posted onthe agency's website.

Treasurer's Report

The most recent unaudited Treasurer's Report is a comparison of actual to budgeted revenues and expenditures.

Traffic & Revenue Reports

The unaudited traffic and revenue report compares traffic and revenue to forecast, as well as, to prior year. The report also provides information by expressway.

Bond Information and Credit Rating Reports

Information on GMX's Revenue bonds, including, official statements, credit reports, and continuing disclosures, can be located onthe Electronic Municipal Maket Access (EMMA) or on the Digital Assurance Certification (DAC) Bond websites.

Trust Indenture

The Trust Indenture is a legal document and contract between GMX (issuer) and the bondholders. The Trust Indenture stipulates GMX’s obligations and the rights of the bondholders.

DAC Bond

DAC acts as a disclosure dissemination agent for issuers, such as GMX, of municipal bonds, electronically posting and transmitting the information to repositories and investors alike. Access to any municipal bond in the DAC System is free of charge by registering.

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