Check Date | Vendor Name | Fiscal Year | Expense Type | Amount |
02/12/2020 | FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE | 2020 | Operating | $362.10 |
02/12/2020 | FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE | 2020 | Operating | $294.48 |
02/12/2020 | FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE | 2020 | Operating | $121.69 |
02/12/2020 | FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE | 2020 | Operating | $1,742.34 |
02/12/2020 | FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE | 2020 | Operating | $95.37 |
02/12/2020 | FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE | 2020 | Operating | $100.54 |
02/10/2020 | ALEJANDRO TARAZONA | 2020 | Operating | $132.20 |
02/10/2020 | BENSON ELECTRIC INC | 2020 | Operating | $199.85 |
02/10/2020 | BRIDGEPORT CAPITAL FUNDING LLC | 2020 | Operating | $1,320.00 |
02/10/2020 | DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES | 2020 | Operating | $1,397.00 |
02/10/2020 | FEDEX | 2020 | Operating | $27.71 |
02/10/2020 | FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY | 2020 | Operating | $30.56 |
02/10/2020 | GFOA | 2020 | Operating | $50.00 |
02/10/2020 | HAYES E-GOVERNMENT RESOURCES, INC. | 2020 | Operating | $5,570.58 |
02/10/2020 | HILLTOP SECURITIES ASSET MANAGEMENT | 2020 | Operating | $24,463.23 |
The Expenditures information is updated on the last Friday of each month.